Sunday Worship 28 March | An Altar in the World: pronouncing blessings
Sunday Worship 21 March | An Altar in the World: being present to God
Sunday Worship 14 March | An Altar in the World: feeling pain
Sunday Worship 7 March | An Altar in the World: carrying water
Sunday Worship 28 February | An Altar in the World: saying no
Sunday Worship 14 February | An Altar in the World: living with purpose
Sunday Worship 7 February | An Altar in the World: encountering others
Sunday Worship 31 January | An Altar in the World: getting lost
Sunday Worship 24 January | An Altar in the World: walking the earth
Sunday Worship 17 January | An Altar in the World: wearing skin
Sunday Worship 10 January | An Altar in the World: paying attention
Sunday Worship 3 January | An Altar in the World: waking up to God