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Advent Ideas

Updated: Sep 2, 2023

Advent is a chance to prepare for Christmas, spiritually as well as practically. This year will see a Christmas like no other, so whether you keep a tradition or try something new, may you find comfort and blessing in taking time for prayer and reflection this Advent. Here is a mix of online and offline resources you may find helpful - click on the images for links to the online resources. Most start from December 1, but you may choose to begin your Advent observance from Advent Sunday on November 29.

SBC Advent Calendar

A reflection or suggestion each day from December 1 to Christmas Day, on our blog and on our outdoor noticeboard.

A series of recorded reflections from Pray as You Go, which is rooted in the Ignatian tradition of spirituality.

Sign up to receive daily emails containing a thought or reflection from around the world, all to help you refocus on Christ.

Sign up for a daily email from Traidcraft, each one including a five minute action you can take to work for justice.

Reverse Advent Calendar

This is one you can create for yourself by setting aside an item of food each day, and then donating them to a local food bank or similar organisation.

Random Acts of Christmas Kindness

Another one to make for yourself, by committing to perform a simple act of kindness each day of Advent - choose your own acts of kindness or get ideas from friends.

Advent Prayer Diary

You may like to continue or return to our prayer diary from the start of lockdown, praying that each group will know peace and joy this Christmas.

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1 Comment

Nov 25, 2020

Some great ideas, thanks Leigh.

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