Lent lasts from Ash Wednesday until Easter Sunday (which is forty days if you don't count the Sundays) and has traditionally been a period of reflection, a way of preparing to commemorate Christ's death and celebrate his resurrection.
Some people choose to give something up, while others choose to take something up, the important thing is finding something that has meaning for you. This year Lent begins on Wednesday 5 March, and so we offer a collection of online resources, updated for 2025.
2025 Devotions
Sign up at the link above to receive a daily email throughout Lent with a reflection from a partner and a challenge to carry out an act of generosity.
Join Tearfund to discover God's desire for unity in his global church and how we can serve him Together as One, with weekly devotionals sent to your inbox or available to download.
CAFOD is the Catholic Agency For Overseas Development. Sign up for their daily prayers and reflections, offering an opportunity to join with a global family to pause, reflect, pray and take action.
Starting New Habits
Prayer tools to help you grow with God, rooted in the Ignatian tradition of spirituality. Here you will find daily meditations, retreats and reflections for different circumstances.
Daily prayer app with morning, midday and evening prayer, available in both written and audio formats.
40 Days...
Muddy Church is all about creating space to wonder and wander. Here they have some ideas to get you outside and enjoying the world around you. You can do them in any order, and I'm sure no one would mind if you repeated a favourite!
40 Days of Gratitude
Write down something you are thankful for every day, either in your own journal or shared online to encourage others.
40 Days of Sacrifice
Choose to give something up. It could be the traditional chocolate or alcohol, or maybe a bad habit like biting your nails. At the end of Lent, ask if this might be something you need to give up for good or return to in greater moderation.
40 Days of Generosity
Give something away every day. Perhaps donate a can of food to a food bank or a piece of clothing to a charity shop.
40 Days of Kindness
Do a random act of kindness every day. It can be as simple as going out of your way to help someone, and you'll find some ideas below.

40 Days of Mark
Reading a short section of Mark's gospel each day, taking time to reflect on it in whatever way you find most helpful. There is a suggested breakdown below.
