For Christians, Lent remembers the time Jesus spent in the wilderness, preparing for his work of teaching and healing. It lasts from Ash Wednesday until Easter Sunday, a period of about six and a half weeks, and has traditionally been a time for fasting and reflection.
Many people give something up, like chocolate or alcohol, while others take something up instead, like a new hobby or challenge. Whether you mark Lent every year or have only just heard of it, why not take this opportunity to try something new?
There are loads of ways to do this, and loads of resources to help you, so we’ve collected a few ideas here.
Daily generosity challenges from Stewardship
Find out more at
Living Lent
Take up the challenge to change your lifestyle for the environment with JPIT
Find out more at
Opening the Scriptures
Bible studies prepared by Churches Together
Find out more at
Lent Calendar
Prayers and social justice actions from CAFOD
Find out more at
Count Your Blessings
Daily reflections and challenges from Christian Aid
Find out more by searching ‘Christian Aid Count Your Blessings’
Prayers, poems and reflections from Tearfund
Find out more at
40 Days of Gratitude
Write down something you are thankful for every day, either in your own journal or shared online.
40 Days of Generosity
Give something away every day – perhaps donate a can of food to a food bank or an old piece of clothing to a charity shop.
40 Days of Kindness
Do a random act of kindness every day – it can be as simple as going out of your way to help someone.