Lent lasts from Ash Wednesday until Easter Sunday, which is forty days if you don't count the Sundays, and has traditionally been a period of reflection, remembering the time Jesus spent in the wilderness preparing for his work of teaching and healing.
Some people choose to give something up, while others choose to take something up, the important thing is finding something that has meaning for you. This year Lent begins on Wednesday 2 March, and so with a week to go we offer a collection of online resources which may offer some inspiration.
Daily prompts
Red Letter Christians UK is a network of people who want to live for Jesus and justice. Here they offer a calendar of daily reflections & simple practices to invest in spiritual resilience during the season of Lent.
CAFOD is the Catholic Agency For Overseas Development. Sign up for their daily prayers and reflections, offering an opportunity to join with a global family to pause, reflect, pray and take action.
40acts is a community seeking to do Lent differently. They are taking a break this year, but you can pick up any of their challenges from 2011 to 2020. Including material written especially for families and young people.
Muddy Church is all about creating space to wonder and wander. Here they have some ideas to get you outside and enjoying the world around you. You can do them in any order, and I'm sure no one would mind if you repeated a favourite!
Other materials
Sign up for devotions based on the Seven Sayings of Jesus from the Cross, each including a guide and video reflection. Consider topics like forgiveness, salvation, loneliness, trust, and relationship.
Four sessions on Zoom, each including reflection, discussion, bible study and prayer. Run by Church on the Margins, the Joint Public Issues Team, Church Action on Poverty and Life on the Breadline.
Printable devotions and online resources, hearing the voices of incredible women from around the world. Produced by All We Can, the Methodist relief and development charity.
Prayer tools to help you grow with God, rooted in the Ignatian tradition of spirituality. New weekly sessions will be released each Monday, but material from previous years is also available.
And as a final suggestion, a reminder of last year's 40 Days of Kindness...